Dartmoor Demon, 80g

Dartmoor Demon, 80g

Product Details

: dartmoordemon
: 80.0g
: 122

Product Description

Heat Rating : EXTREME
Weight : 80g bar

Now improved recipe... higher cocoa content 72% rather than 55%.  
However it is just as evil as the original. This chocolate hurts.   Use with caution - good for "trick or treaters", "Jehovahs Witnesses",  "your boss"... especially good if you work at the tax office. 

Suitable for vegetarians and vegans.

Ingredients (Allergens in bold)

cocoa mass 72%, cocoa butter, sugar, emulsifier (soya lecithin), Naga chillies 4%, vanilla flavouring.

Don't just take our word for it....

We apologise for the language 

Demon review starts about 4 minutes in for first video

£3.00 inc. tax

Customer Reviews

5 review(s) posted (write review)
chilli chocolate at it's finest 5 product stars
"Recommended by a colleague in work, little did I know what I had let myself in for! Very Hot, not for the faint of heart but really tasty. Excellent to cook with, adds that little bit extra. If you're looking for chilli chocolate this is it!" Hero - 30 March 2017
WOW. 5 product stars
"If you want chilli chocolate with a real kick this is the one to buy. I am so fed up of buying chilli chocolate which you can hardly taste chilli after searching the web decided to try this one and I will stick with this product it is what is says . The best I have bought." Janet - 14 July 2016
Extreme... but delicious ! 5 product stars
"Ordered this the other day, along with a few other products, and all I can say is WOW ! Super HOT and delicious ! Gave to some work colleagues who "love chilli chocolate" resulting in grown men crying and running to the toilet, brilliant stuff. Excellent service from the Dartmoor Chilli Farm team (Phil even hand delivered my parcel). Loving all the 'extreme' products, keep up the excellent work guys ! MERRY CHRISTMAS !" Dan Conibere - 15 December 2013
This is one hot chocolate bar! 5 product stars
"Wowweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!! I tried the extract instant regret which i have to say is horrid. However this is lovely chocolate and so so hot. Will be back for more soon. Just ordered the Devil version. Thanks very much for speedy delivery and happy christmas Phil & Kay." Paul Rimmer - 13 December 2013
Not for every day! 4 product stars
"This chocolate is HOT, exactly as advertised. I broke it up in to absolutly tiny bits and added a disclamer / warning notice but co-workers were still shocked by the heat. It provided great entertainment in the office in the run up to xmas. I would say that for everyone except the most manical chilli addicts this is a novelty rather than an every day item. That said, the dark chocolate is pretty good quailty and does have a nice flavour until the wave of flame numbs your mouth to everything else. Gives a fairly definitive answer to "How spicy can it be, it's only chocolate" type questions!" Crispin - 12 January 2016

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