Dartmoor Dragon, 100ml

Dartmoor Dragon, 100ml

Product Details

: dragonsauce
: 200.0g
: 96

Product Description

Heat Rating : Extreme
Weight : 100ml bottle

Use : Dipping or cooking sauce
Chillies used : Dorset Naga 28% + 6.4 million extract.  

This sauce should have been called the "Forbidden sauce" because we have vowed never to touch extract.  However we realise there is a market for very hot sauces and it seems only right that we should have a product to fill this gap - especially with a rising number of chilli fans who demand hotter and hotter products!

The main problem with extract sauces is flavour.   Extract sauces from experience can taste rather like draincleaner.  Our mission with this sauce was to take some great tasting chillies - all grown here at the farm and blend them with fruits such as Mango, Pineapple and Apples and a touch of extract to create a flavoursome extreme sauce.

We would rank Dynamite as a 7/10 sauce for heat. This latest rendition of Dragon is 8/10.  Combined with over 28% chillies, this sauce packs a great punch.   If you want MAXIMUM HEAT - TRY THE DARTMOOR DEMON CHOCOLATE or our new DARTMOOR DESTROYER SAUCE

The chillies we have used are fresh Dorset Naga fresh pods. Grown and picked here at the Dartmoor Chilli Farm

Dorset Naga chillies

Ingredients (allergens in bold) 

Dorset Naga chillies 28%, Mango, Pineapples, Apples, Sugar,  Cider Vinegar, Lemon Juice, 6.4 Million Chilli Extract, Black Pepper

£4.25 inc. tax

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